Top 4 Reasons For Sewer Line Clogs

Why do sewer line clogs always occur at the worst time? The answer is simple. There is never a good time for a sewer line clog. No one ever wants to face a flood of dirty water and nasty sewage in their home. You incur a hefty plumbing bill and the cost of cleanup and […]
Is Your Water Safe To Drink?

Many people consider bottled water to be a fad. After all, did you ever see bottled water at the grocery store when you were a kid? If you are in your 40s or 50s, the answer is no. But as the years have passed, bottled water has become an enormous market. And while some of […]
Plumbing Features That Are Changing The Lives Of Seniors

Home should be your refuge where you feel confident and protected. But as we age, that once safe haven can become a demanding environment filled with challenging and dangerous spaces and features. What could be worse than dreading the thought of going into your own bathroom to take a shower? But when you are afraid […]
The Dangers That Come In A Bottle Of Chemical Drain Cleaner

After you have suffered a flood of dirty water in your home thanks to a drain clog, you become very attentive to the signs of trouble. You notice when a sink drain is taking too long to clear or when the drain is making an odd gurgling sound. But when you see these signs of […]
Could Your Pets Be Causing Your Plumbing Issues?

Many homeowners are unaware that the characteristics they love most about their house pets could also be the cause of some of their significant plumbing issues. From that fluffy fur that makes your dog or cat purrfect to cuddle with to their almost child-like curiosity, these attributes can also carry some negatives. But the potential […]
The Tell-Tale Signs Of An Ailing Water Heater

The water heater in your home has a massive responsibility to you and your loved ones. It is the only device that can deliver the hot water needed for bathing and cleaning. But as long as that hot water begins flowing when you turn on the shower or faucet, you give little thought or show […]
3 Critical Plumbing Mistakes That Make The Problem Worse

When you discover a plumbing issue in your home, you will likely experience one of the following reactions. The first is to panic and watch as water continues to flood the floor or spray the wall and make a mess. The other is to jump into action and prepare for your next DIY plumbing repair. […]
5 Common Plumbing Issues That Could Mean Trouble

Owning a home in means that you are constantly faced with to-do lists, maintenance, and upkeep. But it also means that you are building equity, enjoying the home that you have created, and sharing in the pride of ownership that is one of the more significant benefits of homeownership. However, while you enjoy all these […]
5 Tips To Avoid Toilet Clogs

There are not too many events that get your heart pounding as much as a clogged toilet. You see the water start to rise and feel your blood pressure follow it. All you can picture is contamination and filth all over the bathroom floor. In a panic, you jiggle the toilet handle, hoping for a […]
Tips From The Pros To Prevent Drain Clogs

A drain clog once in a while is not unexpected, considering all of the things that get washed down sink, tub, and shower drains. However, when you are scrambling to locate the plunger on a regular basis, it can become tiresome and stressful. But by following a few simple tips from our plumbing experts, you […]